Summary Technical Guidance on Ocean Accounting Home
A draft of this document will be posted in early 2022. Expressions of interest from lead and contributing authors are welcome. Please contact
Topics to be covered by the document:
Purpose and context for the document (including rationale / policy demand for Ocean Accounts)
Introduction to Ocean Accounts and the Ocean Accounts Framework including associated statistical standards.
Summary structure (what) and methods (how) for Ocean Accounts:
Key indicators (wealth, growth, income/benefits) — what and how
Underlying tables (balance sheet, supply and use, etc) — what and how
Supporting data structures — what and how
Outstanding questions / research agenda
Developing an ocean accounting system (quick step by step guide)
Prioritization and account development planning
Finding and connecting data/statistics (local and global datasets)
Long-term maintenance of ocean accounts
Enabling factors for ocean accounting
Reference materials and resources for Ocean Accounting
Other GOAP documents
Global datasets
Country documentation
Methodological documentation