List of Figures and Tables

List of Figures and Tables


Figure 1: General structure of the Ocean Accounts Framework as presented in the GOAP Technical Guidance. *In the Figure, ocean assets are described as ‘Environmental assets’.

Figure 2: National implementation process presented in the draft implementation strategy for the SEEA EA. The red circle highlights the initial strategic planning and implementation preparation phase. The two yellow boxes indicate activities that the Inventory can support.


Table 1: Individual ocean environmental assets as specified in the GOAP Technical Guidance

Table 2: Account component typology for the Global Ocean Asset Data Inventory

Table 3: Overview of the number of datasets in the updated Global Ocean Asset Data Inventory by account component and ocean asset (type/condition)

Table 4: Overview of the updated Inventory structure. The structure is hierarchical, with high level data quality criteria and accounting relevant sub-criteria

Table 5: Ocean asset types and conditions per account component listed in the Global Ocean Asset Data Inventory

Table 6: Physical asset extent account. (Example table, could be expanded to include several different ecosystem assets and individual environmental assets.)

Table 7: Physical asset condition account by marine basic spatial unit (MBSU) for each depth layer at end of accounting period. (Example table, could be expanded to include several different ecosystem assets and individual environmental assets, as well as different condition variables.)

Table 8: Summary asset condition account by ecosystem type and individual environmental asset type at end of accounting period. (Example table, could be expanded to include several different ecosystem assets and individual environmental assets, as well as different condition indicators.)

Table 9: Check list for selecting global ocean asset data from the Global Ocean Asset Data Inventory




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