Appendix 6.10 Core ocean statistics for key ecosystem types

Table 42. Coral Reef ecosystem core statistics


Ecosystem Type: Coral Reefs



Ocean Assets



Overall condition statistics


Coral coverage (satellite data)


Hermatypic coral abundance (in-situ)


Hermatypic coral diversity (in-situ)

Ecosystem Fitness

Production: Respiration Ratio


Net Accretion Rate


Total Alkalinity/DIC Slope


Reef water flow velocity

Biogeochemical Cycling

Nitrate concentration


Total Alkalinity


Offshore: Inshore DIC ratio


Aragonite Saturation State


Dissolved Oxygen


pH (total scale)

Physiochemical Quality



Mean Sea Level



Greenhouse Gas Retention

Dissolved Inorganic Nutrient Concentration


Carbon Dioxide Flux


Coral coverage (satellite data)


Sediment: Hard Coral Ratio


Overall stock statistics

Ecosystem Extent

Coral coverage (satellite data)

Total reef area (satellite data)

Stock of Natural Aquatic Resources

Stocks of Subsistence Fish


Stocks of Recreational Fish


Stocks of Commercial Fish


Stocks of Ornamental Aquarium Fish

Stock of Natural Aquatic Resources

Stocks of  Echinoderms

(Invertebrates, Algae, Plants)

Stocks of Gastropods


Stocks of Ornamental Aquarium Coral for Export


Stocks of Bivalves

Stock of Cultivated Aquatic Resources

Gross Pelagic Fish Reared


Gross Reef Fish Reared

Stock of Cultivated Aquatic Resources

Gross Coral Cultured


Gross Algae Grown

Stock of Abiotic Resources

Calcium Available for Harvest


Minerals/Oils Available for Extraction

Ocean Services



Conditions affecting flow of service

Greenhouse Gas Sequestration

Coastal geomorphology


Sediment deposition rate


Light availability


Coral Cover

Coastal Protection

Coral Species


Reef length/distance


Water depth


Mean Wave Height


Storm Frequency

Erosion Control

Sea Level Rise Rate


Terrestrial Sediment Deposition Rate


Reef slope to lagoon sediment deposition rate

Water Purification

Sediment Organic Carbon:Nitrogen Ratio


Benthic coral:algae cover ratio

Nutrient Cycling

Benthic algae cover


Sediment cover


Ratio of Nitrate:Ammonium

Waste Remediation

Sediment Organic Carbon Content


Sediment Organic Nitrogen Content


Plastic Pollutant Load


Terrestrial Runoff Rate

Pollutant Remediation

Fertilizer Concentrations


POC/PON Concentrations


Ciguatera Presence


Conditions affecting flow of services/economic values

Maintenance of Fisheries

Fish catch and value


Coral Cover

Cultivated Resources Extracted

Value of Cultivated Vertebrates


Value of Cultivated Invertebrates

Raw Materials Extracted

Value of Coral Sand Extracted


Value of Guano Extracted


Service levels and values


Swimmable Area (Lagoon Size)


Underwater Tourism


Nautical Tourism


Surfing/Recreational Tourism


Net Expense on Research


Net Expense on Education


Cultural Heritage Area

Ocean Governance

Activities, status, expenditures and value statistics


License Fees/Taxes


Taxes on Cultivated Resources


Taxes on Natural Resources


Permit Income




Area Conserved (no take)


Area Conserved (recreational take only)


Biomass Restocked (vertebrates)


Biomass Restocked (invertebrates)


Length of Engineered Coastal Barriers


Area Geoengineered

Gross value added by sector

Gross value added of all Ocean Services by sector


Expenditures on environmental protection and maintenance

Table 43. Mangrove ecosystem core statistics


Ecosystem Type: Mangroves



Ocean Assets



Overall condition statistics


Enhanced Vegetation Index (MODIS Imaging)


Percent Tree Cover (MODIS Imaging)


Phytoplankton Abundance/Diversity

Ecosystem Fitness

Percent Tree Cover


Leaf Area Index


Chlorophyll Absorption (Hyperspectral Imaging)


Soil Carbon

Biogeochemical Cycling

Soil Nitrogen




Sediment Accumulation:Sea Level Rise


Particulate/Dissolved Organic C:N


Dissolved Oxygen


Soil and Water pH

Physiochemical Quality

Mean Sea Level


Tidal Regime



Greenhouse Gas Retention

Methane Flux


Carbon Dioxide Flux


Sedimentation Rate (Mud Content)


Canopy Area Cover (Landsat Images)


Overall stock statistics

Ecosystem Extent

Percent Tree Cover (MODIS Imaging)

Total Mangrove Area (satellite imaging)

Stock of Natural Aquatic Resources

Stocks of planktivorous fish


Stocks of piscivorous fish


Bird abundance/diversity

Stock of Natural Aquatic Resources

Gross Mangrove Removal


Macrobenthic Community (Sponges, polychaetes)

Stock of Cultivated Aquatic Resources

Gross Piscivorous Fish Grown


Gross Planktivorous Fish Grown

Stock of Cultivated Aquatic Resources

Oyster Aquaculture


Shrimp Aquaculture

Stock of Abiotic Resources

Charcoal Available for Harvest


Fuelwood Available for Harvest

Ocean Services (Flows to the Economy)



Conditions affecting flow of service

Greenhouse Gas Sequestration

Coastal geomorphology


Sediment deposition rate


Vegetation Type/Density

Coastal Protection

Sediment Elevation Rate


Mangrove Mean Age


Mean Sea Level


Tidal Height


Geomorphic Settings

Erosion Control

Distance to Human Settlement


Sea level rise


Vegetation Type/Density

Water Purification

Mangrove Cover/Distance


Sediment Quality

Nutrient Cycling

Nitrification Rate


Biological Oxygen Demand


Sulfate Reduction Rate

Waste Remediation

Mangrove quality and area


Mangrove Root Length (aerial exposure)


Adjacent Farming Development


Shrimp Pond Development

Pollutant Remediation

Fertilizer Concentrations


Dissolved Nutrient Concentrations


Trace Metal Concentrations


Conditions affecting flow of service/economic values

Maintenance of Fisheries

Fish Catch and value


Time Spent Fishing


Shrimp/Shrimp Fry Caught

Cultivated Resources Extracted

Value of Cultivated Vertebrates


Value of Cultivated Invertebrates

Raw Materials Extracted

Fuelwood Harvested and Value


Charcoal Harvested and Value


Service levels and values


Mangrove Area/Lagoon Size


Distance to Human Settlement


Tourism Generated Income


Recreation Generated Income


Net Expense on Research


Net Expense on Education


Education Level


Cultural Heritage Area

Ocean Governance

Activities, status, expenditures and value statistics


License Fees/Taxes


Taxes on Cultivated Resources


Taxes on Natural Resources


Permit Income




Area Conserved (no take)


Distance to Industry/Ports


Biomass Restocked


Post-restoration care


Length of Engineered Coastal Barriers


Area Geoengineered

Gross value added by sector

Gross value added of all Ocean Services by sector


Expenditures on environmental protection and maintenance

Table 44. Kelp Forest ecosystem core statistics


Ecosystem Type: Kelp Forest



Ocean Assets



Overall condition statistics


Macroalgae Species Richness


Kelp Canopy Biomass (in-situ)


Benthic Macroinvertebrate Diversity

Ecosystem Fitness

Availability of Drift Algae


Turf Algae Abundance


Urchin Grazing Intensity


Ratio of Invasive: Natural kelp species


Juvenile Kelp Recruitment Rate

Biogeochemical Cycling

Nitrate Concentration


Ammonium Concentration


Kelp Growth Rate


Dissolved Oxygen Concentration


C13 Stable Isotopes


N15 Stable Isotopes

Physiochemical Quality



Light availability



Greenhouse Gas Retention

Light availability


Carbon Storage


Kelp Forest Biomass


Overall stock statistics

Ecosystem Extent

Kelp Canopy Cover (in-situ)


Total Kelp Forest Area (Satellite)

Stock of Natural Aquatic Resources

Fish stocks


Stock of Natural Aquatic Resources

Urchin abundance


Abalone abundance


Lobster abundance

Stock of Cultivated Aquatic Resources

Gross Piscivorous Fish Grown


Gross Planktivorous Fish Grown

Stock of Cultivated Aquatic Resources

Gross Shellfish grown


Gross Macroalgae Available for Harvested

Stock of Abiotic Resources

Alginate Available for Extraction

Ocean Services (Flows to the Economy)



Conditions affecting flow of service

Greenhouse Gas Sequestration

Light Availability


Kelp Biomass


Kelp Canopy Cover

Coastal Protection

Coastal geomorphology


Kelp Canopy Density


Wave fetch


Abundance of Urchins (and removed)


Storm Frequency

Erosion Control

Localized Hydrodynamics


Distance to Metropolitan Area


Kelp Canopy Cover

Water Purification

Kelp/Macroalgae Abundance


Light Availability

Nutrient Cycling

Kelp Growth Rate


Standing Stock of Carbon


Light availability

Waste Remediation

Ratio of Turf:Macroalgae


Kelp Canopy Cover

Pollutant Remediation

Fertilizer Concentrations


Fish Farm Runoff


Conditions affecting flow of service/economic values

Maintenance of Fisheries

Fish Catch and Value


Catch Per Unit Effort


Kelp Cover

Cultivated Resources Extracted

Value of Cultivated Vertebrates


Value of Cultivated Macroalgae

Raw Materials Extracted

Alginate Extracted


Service levels and values


Kelp Persistence


Scuba Diving Frequency


Spatial coverage of Marine Protected Area


Recreational Fisheries


Net Expense on Research


Net Expense on Education


Cultural Heritage Area

Ocean Governance

Activities, status, expenditures and value statistics


License Fees/Taxes


Taxes on Cultivated Resources


Taxes on Natural Resources


Permit Income




Transplant costs


Invasive Species Abundance


Fish Biomass


Number/Size of Marine Protected Areas


Area/Abundance of Urchins Removed


Area Restored with Kelp

Gross value added by sector

Gross value added of all Ocean Services by sector


Expenditures on environmental protection and maintenance

Table 45. Seagrass ecosystem core statistics


Ecosystem Type: Seagrasses



Ocean Assets



Overall condition measures


Seagrass cover (Satellite imaging)


Seagrass diversity/abundance (benthic surveys)


Megafauna Abundance Counts (ex: Dugongs)

Ecosystem Fitness

Vegetation Type (Species Diversity)


Seagrass Density (per m2)


Sedimentation Rate

Biogeochemical Cycling

Sediment Redox Potential (mV)


Dissolved Organic Carbon Release Rate


Inundation Depth


C:N Sediment ratios


Production: Respiration Ratio (per m2)

Physiochemical Quality

Water Temperature


Light Availability



Greenhouse Gas Retention

Nitrification Rate


Carbon Dioxide Flux


Total Water Storage (per m2)


Total Organic Carbon (per m2)


Overall stock statistics

Ecosystem Extent

Seagrass/Vegetation Cover (satellite)

Total Area of Saline High Tide Extent (satellite)

Stock of Natural Aquatic Resources

Artisanal Fishery Catch


Commercial Fishery Catch


Recreational Fish Catch

Stock of Natural Aquatic Resources

Gross Shellfish Harvested


Gross Shrimp Harvested


Gross Seagrass Harvested

Stock of Cultivated Aquatic Resources

Gross Planktivorous Fish Grown



Stock of Cultivated Aquatic Resources

Gross Shellfish Grown


Gross Shrimp Grown

Stock of Abiotic Resources

Agricultural Services

Ocean Services (Flows to the Economy)



Conditions affecting flow of service

Greenhouse Gas Sequestration

Coastal geomorphology


Sediment deposition rate


Vegetation Cover


Seagrass Blade Length

Coastal Protection

Sedimentation Rate


Tidal Range


Water Table Height


Rooted Plant Cover


Storm Frequency

Erosion Control

Fluvial sediment deposition


Sea level rise


Growth Form: Submerged

Water Purification

Aquatic Plant Leaf Size


Sediment/Nutrient Load


Root Type

Nutrient Cycling

Nitrification Rate


Biological Oxygen Demand


Sulphate Reduction Rate

Waste Remediation

Sediment Organic Carbon Content


Sediment Organic Nitrogen Content


Fish/Shrimp Farm Wastewater Discharge Rate

Pollutant Remediation

Terrestrial Runoff Rate


Fertilizer Concentrations


Conditions affecting flow of service/economic value

Maintenance of Fisheries

Prey Fish Abundance


Hydrodynamic Conditions


Primary Productivity Rate (Chl a)


Vegetation Cover

Cultivated Resources Extracted

Value of Cultivated Vertebrates


Value of Cultivated Invertebrates, Algae, Plants

Raw Materials Extracted

Agricultural Products


Service levels and values


Prey Fish Abundance


Hydrodynamic Conditions


Primary Productivity Rate (Chl a)


Vegetation Cover


Value of Cultivated Vertebrates


Value of Cultivated Invertebrates, Algae, Plants


Agricultural Products


Prey Fish Abundance



Ocean Governance

Activities, status, expenditures and value statistics


License Fees/Taxes


Taxes on Cultivated Resources


Taxes on Natural Resources


Permit Income




Area Conserved (no take)


Area Conserved (recreational take only)


Biomass Restocked (vertebrates)


Biomass Restocked (invertebrates)


Length of Engineered Coastal Barriers


Area Geoengineered

Gross value added by sector

Gross value added of all Ocean Services by sector


Expenditures on environmental protection and maintenance

Table 46. Salt Marsh and Estuary ecosystem core statistics

Ecosystem Type: Salt Marshes and Estuaries



Ocean Assets



Overall condition measures


Seagrass/Vegetation Cover


Prey Fish Abundance


Healthy Predator Populations

Ecosystem Fitness

Vegetation Type


Seagrass Abundance/Cover


Plant Height

Biogeochemical Cycling

Sediment Redox Potential




Inundation Depth


C:N Sediment ratios


Submerged Plant Growth Form

Physiochemical Quality

Water Temperature


Light Availability



Greenhouse Gas Retention

Nitrification Rate


Carbon Dioxide Flux


Total Water Storage


Total Organic Carbon


Overall stock statistics

Ecosystem Extent

Seagrass/Vegetation Cover

Total Area of Saline High Tide Extent (satellite)

Stock of Natural Aquatic Resources

Stock Available for Artisinal Fishery


Stock of Commercial Fish


Stock of Recreational Fish

Stock of Natural Aquatic Resources

Stock of Shellfish Available for Harvest


Stock of Shrimp Available for Harvest


Stock of Crab Available for Harvest

Stock of Cultivated Aquatic Resources

Gross Planktivorous Fish Grown



Stock of Cultivated Aquatic Resources

Gross Shellfish Grown



Stock of Abiotic Resources

Minerals/Fertilizers Available for Extraction

Ocean Services (Flows to the Economy)



Conditions affecting flow of service

Greenhouse Gas Sequestration

Coastal geomorphology


Sediment deposition rate


Vegetation Cover


Aquatic Plant Leaf Size

Coastal Protection

Coastal geomorphology


Tidal Range


Water Table Height


Rooted Plant Cover


Storm Frequency

Erosion Control

Fluvial sediment deposition


Sea level rise


Growth Form: Submerged

Water Purification

Aquatic Plant Leaf Size


Sediment/Nutrient Load


Root Type

Nutrient Cycling

Nitrification Rate


Biological Oxygen Demand


Sulfate Reduction Rate

Waste Remediation

Sediment Organic Carbon Content


Sediment Organic Nitrogen Content


Terrestrial Runoff Rate

Pollutant Remediation

Fertilizer Concentrations


Sewage Waste Concentrations


Conditions affecting flow of service/economic value

Maintenance of Fisheries

Prey Fish Abundance


Hydrodynamic Conditions


Primary Productivity Rate (Chl a)


Vegetation Cover

Cultivated Resources Extracted

Value of Cultivated Vertebrates


Value of Cultivated Invertebrates

Raw Materials Extracted

Agricultural Products Extracted


Service levels and values


Accessible Area for Recreation


Water Quality


Marine Mammal Tourism


Abundance of Visually attractive flora


Recreation Generated Income


Net Expense on Research


Net Expense on Education


Habitat quality and area


Cultural Heritage Area

Ocean Governance

Activities, status, expenditures and value statistics


License Fees/Taxes


Taxes on Cultivated Resources


Taxes on Natural Resources


Permit Income




Area Conserved (no take)


Area Conserved (recreational take only)


Biomass Restocked (vertebrates)


Biomass Restocked (invertebrates)


Length of Engineered Coastal Barriers


Area Geoengineered

Gross value added by sector

Gross value added of all Ocean Services by sector


Expenditures on environmental protection and maintenance


Table 47. Sediment ecosystem core statistics


Ecosystem Type: Sediment



Ocean Assets



Overall condition statistics


Benthic Microbial Community


Fish Diversity


Infaunal Invertebrate Diversity

Ecosystem Fitness

Production: Respiration Ratio


Sulfate Reduction Rate


Sediment Oxygen Profile


Nitrification Rate

Biogeochemical Cycling

Nitrate Concentration


Sulfate Concentration


Sediment Redox Potential


Particulate/Dissolved Organic C:N


Dissolved Oxygen


pH (total scale)

Physiochemical Quality

Water Temperature




Mean Sea Level

Greenhouse Gas Retention

Benthic Production:Respiration Ratio


Sediment Permeability


Light Availability/Turbidity


Average Sea State


Overall stock statistics

Ecosystem Extent

Total Area of Soft Bottom/Sediment (Satellite)

Stock of Natural Aquatic Resources

Gross benthal fish stock


Gross infaunal fish stock

Stock of Natural Aquatic Resources

Gross Sea Cucumber Stock


Gross Shellfish Stock

Stock of Cultivated Aquatic Resources

Gross Piscivorous Fish Grown


Gross Planktivorous Fish Grown

Stock of Cultivated Aquatic Resources

Gross Shellfish grown



Stock of Abiotic Resources

Sand Available for Harvest

Ocean Services (Flows to the Economy)



Conditions affecting flow of service

Greenhouse Gas Sequestration

Coastal geomorphology


Sediment deposition rate


Sediment Permeability


Light availability

Coastal Protection

Coastal geomorphology


Tidal Range


Water Table Height


Storm Frequency

Erosion Control

Fluvial sediment deposition


Sea level rise


Area of physical structure

Water Purification

Microphytobenthic composition

Nutrient Cycling

Nitrification Rate


Biological Oxygen Demand


Sulfate Reduction Rate

Waste Remediation

Sediment Organic Carbon Content


Sediment Organic Nitrogen Content


Plastic Pollutant Load


Terrestrial Runoff Rate

Pollutant Remediation

Fertilizer Concentrations


PCB Concentrations


Trace Metal Concentrations


Condition affecting flows of service/economic values

Maintenance of Fisheries

Catch Rate and value


Catch Per Unit Effort

Cultivated Resources Extracted

Value of Cultivated Vertebrates


Value of Cultivated Invertebrates

Raw Materials Extracted

Quantity and Value of Sand Extracted


Service level and values


Accessible Area for Recreation


Water Quality


Tourism Generated Income


Recreation Generated Income


Net Expense on Research


Net Expense on Education


Habitat quality and area


Cultural Heritage Area

Ocean Governance

Activities, status, expenditures and value statistics


License Fees/Taxes


Taxes on Cultivated Resources


Taxes on Natural Resources


Permit Income




Area Conserved (no take)


Area Conserved (recreational take only)


Biomass Restocked (vertebrates)


Biomass Restocked (invertebrates)


Length of Engineered Coastal Barriers


Area Geoengineered

Gross value added by sector

Gross value added of all Ocean Services by sector


Expenditures on environmental protection and maintenance

Table 48. Open Ocean ecosystem core statistics


Ecosystem Type: Open Ocean



Ocean Assets



Overall condition statistics


Megafauna Abundance/Diversity


Fish Diversity


Plankton abundance

Ecosystem Fitness

Chlorophyll a concentration


Biological Pump Rate


Turbidity/Light availability

Biogeochemical Cycling





Vertical Profile: Oxygen


Vertical Profile: Nitrate


Vertical Profile: pH


Vertical Profile: DIC

Physiochemical Quality

Sea Surface Temperature


Sea Surface Salinity


Mean Sea Level

Greenhouse Gas Retention

Plankton Abundance


Chlorophyll a Concentration


Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Profile


Average Sea State


Overall stock statistics

Ecosystem Extent

Total area defined as open ocean (satellite)

Stock of Natural Aquatic Resources

Gross pelagic fish catch


Gross piscivorous fish catch

Stock of Natural Aquatic Resources

Gross shrimp catch


Gross squid catch

Stock of Cultivated Aquatic Resources

Gross Pelagic Fish Grown



Stock of Cultivated Aquatic Resources

Gross Shellfish Grown


Gross Shrimp Grown

Stock of Abiotic Resources

Oil/Petroleum Harvested


Energy Generated

Ocean Services (Flows to the Economy)



Conditions affecting flow of services

Greenhouse Gas Sequestration

Average Sea State


Chlorophyll a (Satellite)


SST (Satellite)

Coastal Protection

Mean Sea Level


Hydrodynamic Barrier Area

Erosion Control

Water Column Sedimentation Rates

Water Purification

Plankton Abundance


Chlorophyll a Concentration

Nutrient Cycling

Biological Pump Rate


Chlorophyll a Concentration (satellite)


Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Profile

Waste Remediation

Water Column PON


Water Column POC


Plastic Pollutant Load


Terrestrial Runoff Rate

Pollutant Remediation

Fertilizer Concentrations


Microplastic Concentrations


Large Plastic Concentrations


Conditions affecting flow of services/economic values

Maintenance of Fisheries

Fish Catch and Value


Catch Per Unit Effort

Cultivated Resources Extracted

Value of Cultivated Vertebrates


Value of Cultivated Invertebrates

Raw Materials Extracted

Energy Generated


Oil/Petroleum Extracted


Service levels and values


Accessible Area for Recreation


Water Quality


Tourism Generated Income


Recreation Generated Income


Net Expense on Research


Net Expense on Education


Cultural Heritage Area

Ocean Governance

Activities, status, expenditures and value statistics


License Fees/Taxes


Taxes on Cultivated Resources


Taxes on Natural Resources


Permit Income




Area Conserved (no take)


Area Conserved (recreational take only)


Biomass Restocked (vertebrates)


Biomass Restocked (invertebrates)


Length of Engineered Coastal Barriers


Area of Hydrodynamic Barriers

Gross value added by sector

Gross value added of all Ocean Services by sector

References for Core Ocean Statistics

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