Appendix 6.4 Potential FDES (2013) topics and statistics applicable to Ocean Accounts

Appendix 6.4 Potential FDES (2013) topics and statistics applicable to Ocean Accounts

  1. The table provides a basic indication of FDES (2013) topics and statistics which may be relevant to the proposed set of Ocean Accounts. This is a broad indication given that the ocean accounts are in development and is thus subject to further refinement. It draws particularly on the August 2018 workshop concept note. Source: United Nations Statistics Division. Unpublished.


Proposed Ocean Accounts


FDES Component, Sub-component and Topic

FDES Statistic



Source: Appendix 1 Concept Note ESCAP Expert Workshop on Ocean Accounts 1-3 August 2018

National, international waters, sub-national (bay, coastline).  In general, FDES would need to be more specific about the spatial areas to cover.

Further work is necessary to identify the ocean related spatial areas.

Statistics have been proposed where possible, otherwise only the FDES (2013) Topic level is provided and the statistics cell is not yet completed.









Air emissions (GHGs and others)


Component 3: Residuals, Sub-component 3.1: Emissions to Air, Topic 3.1.1: Emissions of greenhouse gases




Water flows to the ocean
Solid wastes
Hazardous waste


Component 3: Residuals, Sub-component 3.2: Generation and Management of Wastewater, Topic 3.2.3: Discharge of wastewater to the environment

· 3.2.3.a.2: Wastewater discharge: Total volume of wastewater discharged to the environment without treatment

Would need to specify at risk areas.

Component 3: Residuals, Sub-component 3.3: Generation and Management of Waste: Topic 3.3.1 Generation of Waste and Topic 3.3.2: Management of Waste



Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use, Sub-component 2.2: Energy Resources, Topic 2.2.2: Production, trade and consumption of energy


HS Chapter Code 39 Plastics and articles thereof.  Plastics would have to be specified for oceans.

Component 3: Residuals, Sub-component 3.3: Generation and Management of Waste: Topic 3.3.1 Generation of Waste and Topic 3.3.2: Management of Waste

· 3.3.1.c: Amount of hazardous waste generated

· 3.3.2.b: Hazardous Waste



Impact of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries


Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use, Sub-component 2.5: Biological Resources, Topic 2.5.1: Timber resources, Topic 2.5.2: Aquatic resources, Topic 2.5.3: Crops and Topic 2.5.4: Livestock



Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use, Sub-component 3.4: Release of Chemical Substances, Topic 3.4.1: Release of chemical substances




Land use


Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use, Sub-component 2.3: Land, Topic 2.3.1: Land use




Water consumption


Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use, Sub-component 2.6: Water resources, Topic 2.6.2: Abstraction, use and returns of water




Energy consumption


Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use, Sub-component 2.2: Energy Resources, Topic 2.2.2: Production, trade and consumption of energy




Assets (Extent)






Ocean ecosystem types
Benthic (sea bottom)
Pelagic (surface)
Open ocean ecosystems

Vertical dimension needed

Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality, Sub-component 1.2: Land Cover, Ecosystems and Biodiversity, Topic 1.2.2: Ecosystems and biodiversity

· 1.2.2.a.1: General ecosystem characteristics, extent and pattern: Area of ecosystems

FDES would need to develop guidance on specific ocean ecosystems.

Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality, Sub-component 1.1: Physical Conditions, Topic 1.1.2: Hydrographical characteristics

· 1.1.2.e.1: Coastal waters

· 1.1.2.e.2: Territorial sea

· 1.1.2.e.3: Exclusive Economic Zone

· 1.1.2.e.4: Sea level

· 1.1.2.e.5: Area of sea ice


Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality, Sub-component 1.1: Physical Conditions, Topic 1.1.3: Geological and geographical information




Protected areas


Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality, Sub-component 1.2: Land Cover, Ecosystems and Biodiversity, Topic 1.2.2: Ecosystems and biodiversity

· 1.2.2.d.1: Protected areas and species: Protected terrestrial and marine area



Fishing zones


Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality, Sub-component 1.1 Physical Conditions, Topic 1.1.2: Hydrographical characteristics


FDES covers physical characteristics but this item is not specified in the statistics.  Would be obtained from nautical chart.


Ocean mineral assets


Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use, Sub-component 2.1: Mineral Resources, Topic 2.1.1: Stocks and changes of mineral resources


FDES specifies sub-national breakdown, would need to specify types of minerals from ocean areas.


Ocean energy assets


Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use, Sub-component 2.2: Energy Resources, Topic 2.2.1: Stocks and changes of energy resources


FDES specifies sub-national breakdown, would need to specify types of energy from ocean areas.


Ocean communities


Component 5: Human Settlements and Environmental Health, Sub-component 5.1: Human Settlements, Topic 5.1.1: Urban and rural population

· 5.1.1.e: Population living in coastal areas

FDES would need to add spatial area of the village/community.


Coastal and marine infrastructure


Component 1:Environmental Conditions and Quality, Sub-component 1.1: Physical Conditions, Topic 1.1.2: Hydrographical characteristics


FDES covers physical characteristics but this item is not specified in the statistics.  Would be obtained from nautical chart.




Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality, Sub-component 1.1: Physical Conditions, Topic 1.1.2: Hydrographical characteristics

· 1.1.2.e: Seas

FDES covers physical characteristics but this item is not specified in the statistics.  Would be obtained from bathymetric chart.


Shipping Lanes


Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality, Sub-component 1.1 Physical Conditions, Topic 1.1.2: Hydrographical characteristics

· 1.1.2.e: Seas

FDES covers physical characteristics but this item is not specified in the statistics.  Would be obtained from nautical chart.


Upwelling Areas


Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality, Sub-component 1.1 Physical Conditions, Topic 1.1.2: Hydrographical characteristics

· 1.1.2.e: Seas

FDES covers physical characteristics but this item is not specified in the statistics. 


Aquatic resources


Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use, Sub-component 2.5: Biological Resources, Topic 2.5.2: Aquatic resources




Condition (Accessibility and Quantity)








Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality, Sub-component 1.3: Environmental Quality, Topic 1.3.3: Marine Water Quality, Topic 1.3.3: Marine water quality

· 1.3.3.f.1: Physical and chemical characteristics: pH/Acidity/Alkalinity





Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality, Sub-component 1.3: Environmental Quality, Topic 1.3.3: Marine Water Quality

· 1.3.3.a: Nutrients and chlorophyll

· 1.3.3.a.1: Concentration level of nitrogen

· 1.3.3.a.2: Concentration level of phosphorous

· 1.3.3.a.3: Concentration level of chlorophyll A



Phytoplankton distribution


Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality, Sub-component 1.3: Environmental Quality, Topic 1.3.3: Marine Water Quality, Topic 1.3.3: Marine water quality

· 1.3.3.e.2: Concentration levels of marine organisms

FDES would need to specify phytoplankton.




Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality, Sub-component 1.3: Environmental Quality, Topic 1.3.3: Marine Water Quality, Topic 1.3.3: Marine water quality

· 1.3.3.h.1: Plastic waste and other marine debris: Amount of plastic waste and other debris in marine waters





Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality, Sub-component 1.3: Environmental Quality, Topic 1.3.3: Marine Water Quality, Topic 1.3.3: Marine water quality


FDES does not specify oceans dissolved carbon dioxide concentrations.


Coral bleaching


Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality, Sub-component 1.3: Environmental Quality, Topic 1.3.3: Marine Water Quality, Topic 1.3.3: Marine water quality

· 1.3.3.g.1: Coral bleaching: Area affected by coral bleaching



Other pollutants


Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality, Sub-component 1.3: Environmental Quality, Topic 1.3.3: Marine Water Quality, Topic 1.3.3: Marine water quality




Biophysical conditions
Frequency of storms





Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality, Sub-component 1.2: Land Cover, Ecosystems and Biodiversity, Topic 1.2.2: Ecosystems and biodiversity

· 1.2.2.c: Biodiversity

FDES would need to develop guidance on specific ocean ecosystems.

Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality, Sub-component 1.3: Environmental Quality, Topic 1.3.3: Marine Water Quality, Topic 1.3.3: Marine water quality

· 1.3.3.f.2: Temperature


Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality, Sub-component 1.1 Physical Conditions, Topic 1.1.2: Hydrographical characteristics

· 1.1.2.e: Seas

FDES covers physical characteristics but the item is not specified in the statistics.  Would be obtained from nautical chart.

Component 4: Extreme Events and Disasters, Sub-component 4.1: Natural Extreme Events and Disasters, Topic 4.1.1: Occurrence of natural extreme events and disasters

· 4.1.1.a: Occurrence of natural extreme events and disasters

Hurricane and Cyclone scales applicable.

Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality, Sub-component 1.1: Physical Conditions, Topic 1.1.1: Atmosphere, climate and weather

· 1.1.1.e: Wind speed

Monitoring of wind speed over certain thresholds on Beaufort Scale.


Sea level


Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality, Sub-component 1.1: Physical Conditions, Topic 1.1.2: Hydrographical characteristics

· 1.1.2.e.4: Sea level



Population and infrastructure exposed to natural hazards


Component 4: Extreme Events and Disasters, Sub-component 4.1: Natural Extreme Events and Disasters, Topic 4.1.2: Impact of natural extreme events and disasters

· 4.1.2.a. to 4.1.2.d.


Component 5: Human Settlements and Environmental Health, Sub-component 5.1: Human Settlements, Topic 5.1.3: Housing conditions

· 5.1.3.c: Population living in hazard-prone areas

· 5.1.3.d: Hazard-prone areas



Ocean Services Supply (physical and monetary)

coastal/urban/rural/high/low income/male/female





Provisioning: tidal and wave power generation, medium for cultivation, fish production, aquaculture production, other marine organisms


Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use, Sub-component 2.1: Mineral Resources, Topic 2.1.1: Stocks and changes of mineral resources



Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use, Sub-component 2.2: Energy Resources, Topic 2.2.1: Stocks and changes of energy resources



Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use, Sub-component 2.5: Biological Resources, Topic 2.5.2: Aquatic resources




Regulating and maintenance: receiving discharge, placement of infrastructure, medium for transport, disaster risk reduction


Component 3: Residuals, Sub-component 3.2: Generation and Management of Wastewater, Topic 3.2.3: Discharge of wastewater to the environment

· 3.2.3.a.2: Wastewater discharge: Total volume of wastewater discharged to the environment without treatment

Would need to specify coastal plants.

Component 4: Extreme Events and Disasters, Sub-component 4.1: Natural Extreme Events and Disasters, Topic 4.1.2: Impact of natural extreme events and disasters



Component 5: Human Settlements and Environmental Health, Sub-component 5.1: Human Settlements, Topic 5.1.3: Housing conditions

· 5.1.3.c: Population living in hazard-prone areas

· 5.1.3.d: Hazard-prone areas









Abiotic: Minerals, energy, medium for transport


Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use, Sub-component 2.1: Mineral Resources, Topic 2.1.2: Production and trade of minerals


FDES would need to specify production from the Oceans.

Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use, Sub-component 2.2: Energy Resources, Topic 2.2.2: Production, trade and consumption of energy




Fishing industry


Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use, Sub-component 2.5: Biological Resources, Topic 2.5.2: Aquatic resources




Ocean Services Use (physical and monetary)






Provisioning: tidal and wave power generation, medium for cultivation, fish production, aquaculture production, other marine organisms


Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use, Sub-component 2.1: Mineral Resources, Topic 2.1.1: Stocks and changes of mineral resources



Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use, Sub-component 2.2: Energy Resources, Topic 2.2.1: Stocks and changes of energy resources



Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use, Sub-component 2.5: Biological Resources, Topic 2.5.2: Aquatic resources




Regulating and maintenance: receiving discharge, placement of infrastructure, medium for transport, disaster risk reduction


Component 3: Residuals, Sub-component 3.2: Generation and Management of Wastewater, Topic 3.2.3: Discharge of wastewater to the environment

· 3.2.3.a.2: Wastewater discharge: Total volume of wastewater discharged to the environment without treatment

Would need to specify coastal plants.

Component 4: Extreme Events and Disasters, Sub-component 4.1: Natural Extreme Events and Disasters, Topic 4.1.2: Impact of natural extreme events and disasters



Component 5: Human Settlements and Environmental Health, Sub-component 5.1: Human Settlements, Topic 5.1.3: Housing conditions

· 5.1.3.c: Population living in hazard-prone areas

· 5.1.3.d: Hazard-prone areas









Abiotic: Minerals, energy, medium for transport


Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use, Sub-component 2.1: Mineral Resources, Topic 2.1.2: Production and trade of minerals


FDES would need to specify production from the Oceans.

Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use, Sub-component 2.2: Energy Resources, Topic 2.2.2: Production, trade and consumption of energy




Fishing industry


Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use, Sub-component 2.5: Biological Resources, Topic 2.5.2: Aquatic resources










Policies for sustainable management






Environmental Protection Expenditures on Oceans


Component 6: Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement, Sub-component 6.1: Environmental Protection and Resource Management Expenditure, Topic 6.1.1: Government environmental protection and resource management expenditure and Topic 6.1.2: Corporate, non-profit institution and household environmental protection and resource management expenditure




Environmental taxes and subsidies


Component 6: Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement, Sub-component 6.1: Environmental Protection and Resource Management Expenditure, Topic 6.2.2 Environmental regulation and instruments

· 6.2.2.b.1: Economic instruments: List and description of green/environmental taxes

· 6.2.2.b.2: List and description of environmentally relevant subsidies

FDES would need to specify ocean related taxes and subsidies


Management practices (including community based)


Component 6: Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement, Sub-component 6.1: Environmental Protection and Resource Management Expenditure, Topic 6.2.2: Environmental regulation and instruments

· 6.2.2.a.2: Direct regulation: Description of licensing system to ensure compliance with environmental standards for businesses or other new facilities

· 6.2.2.a.3: Number of applications for licenses received and approved per year

· 6.2.2.a.4: List of quotas for biological resource extraction

FDES would need to identify types of regulations.  Other types of regulations such as closed seasons to be  added.  Community based practices to be added.

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